Why CiR?

Circle it Red derived its meaning from the term “red-letter” day, which originates with the tradition of marking certain days in red in a calendar. We use the term to designate days of special significance such as holidays, events, personal celebrations, historic anniversaries, etc.

In our society today, the term red-letter day is simply an important day  - a day when we circle it red, lest we forget. 

It” can be any day significant or memorable to you – a wedding, a birthday, a commemoration, an anniversary.

In the business world, “it” can be a specific meeting, a conference, a promotion, a particular presentation, even a problem . . . something requiring “special” attention and perhaps imaginative solutions. It is all about presenting oneself and one’s ideas in the best possible light.

When we came up with our company name, Circle it Red, we defined “it” as creative thinking. Why the color red? Let’s answer the question with another question - What other color attracts the eye with such impact?

Tell us about your “it” and with your vision as our inspiration, we can deliver a creation that is uniquely, unquestionably, yours. We will interpret, shape, refine until you exclaim: "THAT'S IT!". Your very own dream comes true before your very own eyes!

Some call it magic...We call it... Insight. Empathy. Skill.






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